dungeons and dumb asses
2005-03-24 - 1:13 p.m.

I look upon the rest of this day with dread. Not because of what I have to do, but because of my lack of things to do.

No, not even then would it be an accurate statement; there are plenty of "things to do":

take out the trash
clean the den
vacuum the floor
make up new potions for my D&D character...

Oh yes, I haven't said anything about my newfound hobby, have I? D&D is what takes up most of my free time now, between work and school.
For those who don't know, Dungeons and Dragons is a roleplaying game dating back at least 30 years. You make up a character with his own race, weight, gender, class... you even figure out little things like his eye and hair color. Then you get together with a group of people and roleplay!
And you know I love roleplaying of ANY kind. ^_^

For the last few months I've been playing a male dwarf chemist who uses potions for combat. The restrictions for the chemist class are getting on my nerves though; chemists go up in level like wizards (slowly!) and have just about as many options for what armor they carry, (none!)
But, just like the wizard compensates for being easy to hit with spells, the chemist compensates with potions.


0_0 scuse me. My apologies.
I can't mix a black plague potion till level 5.

I've told a few people what I like to do, and almost all of them give me a funny look, as if I told them I did taxidermy for a living. (The art of animal preservation is my secret little guilty pleasure not yet realized...)
They look at me and curl up their lip and lock their gaze on me distrustfully, as if I'd suddenly break out in hysterical laughter and start throwing dice at them.
And then most of them realize they're staring, compose themselves, give a little chuckle and toss their head casually.
"Oh really, that's great." They'll say half-heartedly, obviously hoping I won't elaborate on it.

But one day, ONE of the girls I told recently actually said to me,
"Isn't that...Isn't that that game where you cast spells and call on Satan??"

And I said to her, in a very low, conspiring whisper,
"Yes, would you like me to teach you how??"

Her eyes got wide, she turned slowly away and walked back down the hall of the E building in Essex community college.

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