Dark Rain
2009-05-04 - 9:02 a.m.

The drought is over, as of yesterday. He surprised me in the living room.
Although my body responded, my mind didn't. I still feel sort of disconnected from him. There are still times when I feel that I don't like him at all.
Again, just like the first time, sex didn't change anything.

Bobbie called today. We hadn't talked in over a month, I think. She's moving into a new house and I said I'd help her repaint her old kids rooms to prepare to move.
I should go over before then though, maybe tomorrow.
Why do I avoid going over there? Why do I avoid calling her?
I feel a lot of guilt over this...

But apparently not enough to call her for over a month...?

But then again, she didn't call me either....

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