This entry is boring, but you are totally interested.
2008-08-21 - 8:14 p.m.

He said,
"You hear what he said?"

Coincidentally, I HAD just heard what Ryan Phillipe said on the movie playing in front of us. I said,

"He said it's not what's in the box, it's what's in the band." But I wasn't sure if he said "band" or "ban", so I just sort of elongated the "aa" sound to cover both words.

"Yeah, remember that for later. It's important."

We're watching AntiTrust. He's been obsessed with Ryan Phillipe movies for some reason (I like to think it's because he thinks Ryan Phillipe is cute but that CAN'T be the reason lolol) and this is the latest in a long run of movies that I really don't have any interest in.
I'm sitting here typing, barely paying attention, and I'm glad I passed that little pop quiz. I don't want him to think I'm not in the least bit interested but... I'm not.

I come across that a lot in my life. And not just with him and not just with movies. People will want to talk about the baby (people at work, my family, my friends) and sometimes I'm happy to oblige. But sometimes I couldn't be less interested in little small talk like,
"Oh, only 2 weeks left!" or "So what are you naming him... her?"
I found that I got tired of talking about marriage plans back when we were planning a wedding, and I got tired of hearing about my family's vacation to Indiana. They brought back all these pictures of relatives that I couldn't care less about and probably will never see in my entire life, and my sister decides to try and name them all like the seven dwarfs every time one of them is brought up.
"Sherri, Sherrin, Shawnda, Donna Gail..."
Things that seem to be so important to everyone else just aren't that important to me sometimes.

Does that mean I'm self absorbed?



Now then. Enough esoteric nonsense and onto business.
Today was my last day at work. I feel relieved to be off work the next four weeks, and excited that the birth of the baby is so near!

There was a crazy lady throwing rocks into the street and yelling at cars right across from the mcdonalds where I work.
That was the single oddest thing I've seen all week.
Except for the sight of my husband's bumper laying in the grass a mile from our apartment.
On monday he got into an accident coming home from work. A car decided to try and occupy the same space he intended to fill up, the two cars fought and both came out of it with black eyes. A tiny little thing of a woman named "Tiara Marie" was the owner of the other car. Well, the fact that her license plate was Angel84 and her parents showed up to defend her just minutes afterward made me think she wasn't exactly the *owner* of the car... But the driver.
An asian looking woman named XingXing was involved as well, but only as a bystander. Her SUV was struck by Angel84 as my husband collided with her passenger side door.
The insurance companies have placed Tiara at fault and are paying for Russ' car to get fixed and will reimburse him for lost wages, towing fees, and medical expenses.

Or, so we hope. We're getting the impression that we're about to be bent over something and fast, so Russ contacted a lawyer to cover our butts.
Hopefully this all turns out okay.

Maybe I'll follow up on it in another entry.

Or maybe I'll just continue with the esoteric nonsense.

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