a weighty situation. ^_^ (lawlz)
2006-02-06 - 8:33 a.m.

I definately feel better than the last time I wrote. Sometimes my brain gets so tired from lack of sleep that it starts wandering into places It shouldn't.

Today I get to weigh myself again. This has become a kind of "event", like going to the carnival or something. The scale I have has been broken for the past year, so I only get accurate weight readings from either the doctors, the gym, or the school nurse.

For the past week or two, this has been my basic diet:

Morning: 3/4 to a cup of cereal. 120 - 200 calories.

Lunch: Salad from Burger King. 310 - 390 calories

Snack: Some sort of fruit or veggy, like apples or carrots. Or celery with peanut butter on it.

Dinner: Usually something small, around another 600 calories or so.

On the weekends I've been allowing myself to splurg a little, that means getting a few shots at a bar, eating a cup or two of popcorn, or allowing myself to eat at a resaurant. My basic diet though has kept within 1200 to 1300 calories.

A big difference from what I'm used to. I used to be able to eat 1200 calories as a before dinner snack.
I should tell you that I'm still with Russ. ^_^ Our third year anniversery will be in.. april or june, can't remember which. And we're still supposed to be married the last sunday in October of this year.
That means we have all that planning to do in about 8 months. He says he'll take care of the expenses for the wedding, if my mom will pay for the reception and my dress.
I personally would like to know how he's going to pull that feat off when he can't even pay--

But no, I won't go into that here. Let's just say him paying for all of the little expenses for the wedding itself is about as likely as me becoming anorexic. I just get the funny feeling my mother will end up paying for most of this.

"Why don't I help pay", you ask? Well, "with what money?", I would reply. I still work at Burger King, but have now been promoted to production leader. This doesn't really mean much, except for now I get all my food there for free. Which is good, because at 6.75 an hour I don't have the money to be paying for lunch everyday.

I've been.. sort of looking for a new job lately. I know I need one, and I can't live on this salary forever. Sooner or later, I'll need to pick myself up and get a goddamn better job.
But I've been with BK for almost 2 years now. I'm so comfortable there. I KNOW everything there. Switching to a new job now seems...


I have to quit rambling about myself and get ready for the day. I'll update in a while and record my weight.

If there's anything notable to record.

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