Mike the Jackass.
2005-04-16 - 12:10 p.m.

I've been writing recently about gaining new friends, is it horrible of me to not want someones offering of friendship?
Not because I don't want it, but because I have such an aversion to his personality that I start to tune the droning sound of his voice out when he talks?

Mike is one of Russ's friends, and he reminds me alot of what bobbie was; opinionated and "honest" all the time.

Only bobbie shut up on occasion. Mike does not.
In any given stretch of time, he will find something about you, his surroundings, how you play your character in D&D, ANYTHING that he thinks can be improved with his Oh-So-Better-Than-Thou-Opinions.
I consider all of Russ's friends comrads of mine; except Mike.
After 3 hours of D&D, I'm completely exhausted of his very voice.
Forgive any disrespect to the happy squishy love gods that allowed me such companionship, but I just don't like him.

(just wanted to note that.)

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