2001-12-08 - 11:24 p.m.

wanna know a bit about me? profile not good enough for ya?? well here ya go!

Name: you can call me dreya, or "slave", thank you.

Age: 19

addiction: diet soda, and unneeded attention.

greatest fear: losing my friends, and being by them at the same time. people tend to frighten me.

hobby: meditation, gardening, playing vidio games, trying others around, watching tv, fanfiction, slash, yaoi, non-anime things, vampires, invader zim.... *rambles off*

fave show: invader zim... the love of my life.

fav season: fall. late fall.

smell like?: baby powder, shampoo, mildew and cat dookie.

all your limbs?: yes

all your teeth?: yes

all your brain?: ........C_C

Orientation: bull dyke.

drinker?: of what?

what do you take to bed with you?: an extra pillow to hug *snuggles*

taken? g/f? b/f?: single

play bloody mary before?: yes

play ouiji board?: yes

did either work?: nope.

one wish: to be surrounded by people but left respectfully alone. hah.

likes to play with: coloring books, crayons, blocks, psychology textbooks, plastic bags, phones, computers, breakable cd's, fire, cuddly kittens, childrens minds, horror movies, perfume testers, escalators, pretty buttons, cars, taxi-dermy, mortuary science, palmistry... have to go now, more later.

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