Wall of Text: 23rd Birthday!
2006-12-21 - 10:40 p.m.

Okay, I turned 23 yesterday and things have been happening pretty fast for a change. So I'll put things in chronological order:

Dec 19th, 9PM:
Me and Russ arrived at Bobbie jo's for an early birthday party. Tabby (Bobbie's sister) was there since she and her partner of about 7 years had split up. Between the current "Tabby/Ed Break Up" drama, I had a wonderful little party. Russ got me and oreo cake and Bryan mixed me a few "scarlet macaw's". They consist of grenadine and some sort of fruity liquor, the result being a pleasant tropical punch taste. I didn't get drunk off them, but after everyone went to bed Bobbie and I stayed up with a bottle of wine and talked till 1:30 or so. We talked about Mom and Mary, about how Mary needs to get off her ass before it melds to the couch. We talked about Eddy and Tabby again, we talked about being wives. The whole thing was just what I needed. I also managed to smoke an entire pack of cigarettes in about 12 hours. I didn't even really want to smoke, but everyone around me was and well.. I'm a social smoker. The party was the undoing of my willpower.
That's okay. Like I said, the pack was gone quicker than I'd ever smoked one, and more's the better. Out of sight, out of mind. I'm back on the bandwagon now, and I'll try to be better prepared for temptation when I go over Bobbie's again.

Dec 20th, 2:30 PM:
To pick up on what I said last entry, about being unsatisfied after sex, I took matters into my own hands.
I read somewhere that if you're unhappy with your sex life, it's probably your own fault. Either your partner is bad in bed and you need to communicate what he should be doing, or he's just not doing what you like and you should communicate what he should be doing, or you yourself just suck at sex itself.
Whatever it is, communication is the key.
And so, as a way of communicating that I needed some spice in our sex life, I bought a "sex game" thing. It's a small box that includes dice with little hearts on them, a book of sexual positions, some sort of board game...
That whole things looks rather silly, and at the very least it'll be something for us to laugh at together.. But at least I'm trying.
I showed it to him, and he seemed rather excited by the idea. Then he told me he wanted to try something as well;
he told me to close my eyes and "not open them, no matter WHAT happens!".
All he did was try out a new nipple clamp he had fashioned from mundane things at work, but the effect of having to keep my eyes closed and not knowing what he was doing was so exhilerating that I nearly ripped off his pants right there by the dining room wall.
I told him about it, and that he should do that more often.
"Blindfold more often!" I announced, happily. He smiled.

See, I'm communicating!. ^_^

The same day at about 8PM, we all went out bowling. Now, this sounds rather mundane at first glance, but I haven't been bowling since I was 5 or so. I also haven't "done" anything for my birthday since I was 16 years old. Usually, for my birthday, I go to my moms and eat cake and open presents and go home. That sounds like the birthday plans of a middle aged housewife, not the young, vibrant, 23 year old that I now am. I realized this a few days before, and was determined to "DO" something this year. So I suggested something I hadn't done in years and didn't know how to do anyway. What better way to have fun?
I found out that not only do I bowl quite well for a first timer, (my score averaged between 54 and 82) my Dad was an excellent bowler (his score for the first game was 164) and would have won the second time around if it weren't for his back. Mike and Amy were also there, and I find I'm warming up to Amy. I don't want to warm up to her. I shouldn't like her, for what went on between her and Dave. But she's very nice to me, and it's hard for me to hate someone who's so nice to me every time I see them...
Dave couldn't be there, he's in Tennesee with Maggie and her fiance "Longo".
I miss Dave.
But I shouldn't dwell on things like that. Silly girlish things.

Later that same night, Russ and I got into a wonderful fight with his mother about not going to The Christmas Party that Uncle Jerry holds every christmas eve.
He's already made up with her about it, apparently, so I'll spare you all the next 3 minutes of your life explaining the fight. I'm tired of thinking about his fucking mother anyway.
Goddam whining harpie.

Dec 21:
Something I'd like to note about today in particularly, that has nothing to do about anything I've just written:
I was at work today (Burger King), taking orders, when I found myself unable to take my eyes off of this one Asian chicks chest.
Not that she was really attractive, or that her breasts were anything nice.. Well, let me start with her clothes. What struck me about her first was her horrible taste in fashion. I suppose she'd win a few awards at the "Paris Hilton Sleep Over" party...
She was wearing these hideous lip-print pajamas, all black with neon pink kissy lips marching all over them. I know the "lazy boil on the ass of society" look is in nowadays, but she didn't even do her hair up or put on make up like most of the other stuck up slutty little Nicole Richie wannabees out there.
In addition to that, she had decided to try and dress it up with a golden tote bad that stretched about a foot wider than her entire body, adorned with the word "Supermodel" in tacky looking gold sequins on the front.
I'm no fashion critic, usually. But this girl really took the cake for not trying one fucking bit. Or maybe trying to hard. Can you do both?

Once I got past that shock, and she started to move closer to the counter I noticed a huge bulge where her breasts should have been. It looked like one of those freak cancerous masses you see on the Discovery Channel edition of "Extreme Plastic surgery: I had a 30 pound tumor removed!".
I stood there, forgetting to say my welcoming greeting to her and the boyfriend that walked into the side of the vision, just staring intently at the freakish looking bulge on her chest where her boobs should have been.
And then the mass MOVED! A finger popped out!
I had a sudden crazy thought that she had stowed an animal or a baby down there, and was trying to figure out how to look down her shirt to see what was writhing in there.
And then she started to talk, obviously ignoring my rude eyes, and she pulled her arm out from under her pajama blouse.

Yeah, it was just her arm. She looked at me funny the rest of the time. Her boyfriend looked intrigued. ^_^

Well, that's pretty much it.

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