counting my blessings in the dark
2010-06-09 - 12:51 a.m.

This diary is like a cesspool now. Black and stagnant and being put up by the board of directors for overhaul. Here is some Go Green power action recycling.

I'm taking St. John's Wart. It seems to help.

I'm re-reading Steven King's IT, and having a grand time of it.

I made an internet friend, and having a generally grand time with her as well.

I had a bad day today, after a short spurt of "good days", most likely brought on by the addition of St. John's to my morning routine, but I didn't cut. Thought about it, didn't.

My sister graduated from her two year college on Saturday, and will only need to complete two more years at a University to get her degree. I can't remember what in. I think art? Either that or "general studies", but that seems like a largely useless degree to have. I hope it's art, at least that's marginally less useless.

Georgia is saying these words, not always on demand, mostly just whenever it strikes her as the time to say them:

-bath (basss)
-dog (doag)
-ball (baaa)
-please (plis)
-thank you (thayoo)
-fish (fish!)
-daddy (diddits, dada, daddy)
-mommy (mamamama)

She can also oink like a pig, woof woof like a dog, and rawr like a dinosaur. We've heard her moo, but only Mary seems to be able to elicit a "moo" out of her.
She also likes to point at her food and have me name it before she eats it. She looks very happy and satisfied when I do that.

Foods she likes right now:

-pasta, pasta pick ups
-any fruit at all, except for exotic ones like kiwi or something.
-corn, peas, small carrots (cooked), -pickles
-chicken nuggets
-hot dogs
-triscuits and wheat thins, really any chip or popcorn
-cherry tomatoes
-macaroni and cheese
-bread sometimes

that's all the good things I can think of for now.

Oh, and Russ hasn't totally gotten tired my bullshit yet, and I suppose since I haven't left him, I haven't gotten to the end of my rope with him either.

Small blessings.

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